Give a warm welcome to Quattroemme's signature Pinsa!
So, as always, here's a recipe for you to be able to delight it to the fullest, we could also call it an empty-fridge recipe!

Ingredients for one pinsa
- Tomato puree: 300 gr.
- Peeled shrimps: 150 g.
- Zucchini: 1 piece
- Olive oil: qty.
- Lemon zest: qty
- Parsley (opzonal): qty
- Pinsa 2 pieces Quattroemme
15 min
1. Open the Quattroemme pinsa base package and lay it on a dish suitable for the oven.
2. Take the zucchini and begin cutting it into thin strips to allow for good cooking.
3. Once you have finished cutting the zucchini, move on to the shrimp. Take them and split them lengthwise so that you have two halves.
4. Spread tomato puree on the pinsa and spread it adequately over the entire surface.
5. At this stage add the zucchini and shrimp.
6. Sprinkle with a drizzle of olive oil, parsley and lemon zest.
7. Bake at 250° for 7-8 minutes
8. Bring it out nicely hot
Cut it into small squares and serve it!
Pinsa – 2 Pezzi6,00€
The recipe is perfect to be modified with whatever you have in the fridge, so juggle! I will also add that Pinsa is easily digestible and therefore very light.