Panzerotti accompagnati da popizze ripiene di speck e capperi
Published: March222023

Panzerotti served with popizze stuffed with speck and capers

Popizze or pettole the substance remains the same, they are tasty! Together with our panzerotti, they will remind you of times at local village festivals, where these two meals are among the best of Barese street food.

Popizze ingredients for 8-10 people.

  • Flour 0: 500 gr.
  • Salt: 15 gr.
  • Fresh brewer's yeast: 10 g.
  • Parmesan cheese: 1 tbsp.
  • Cube speck: 200 g.
  • Capers: qty
  • Sugar: 1 teaspoon
  • Frying oil: qty.
  • Fried Panzerotti Quattroemme.


20 min + 2 hours rising time




1. In a bowl combine the flour, salt and sugar, mixing well.

2. Add the yeast and start kneading by pouring in warm water until the mixture is soft.

3. Knead the dough for 10 minutes, let it rest for at least 5 minutes, and then return to knead it for another 5 minutes.

4. Let the dough rise for 1 hour.

5. Afterwards return to work it for another 10 minutes and let it rest another hour.

6. After waiting you can add the cubed speck, capers and parmesan cheese, being careful to blend everything well.

7. Put the oil to heat in a frying pan, and meanwhile tear up the mass with your hands to make balls (or you can also fry the mass directly without giving it a specific shape)

8. Wait for the perfect golden brown and in the meantime also heat the fried Panzerotti in the oven at 200° for 10 minutes.
9. Lay the fried popizzas on a plate with paper towels underneath, and on another plate arrange the fried panzerotti.

Run and eat them while they are hot!


To complete the table you could add inside small bowls the tarallini caserecci, perfect for breaking hunger while waiting for the oil to heat up!

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