Il rientro a scuola

New year, fresh start.

It doesn't matter which class you have to start, middle school, high school or college. The first day of school will always be the one most feared for some, and most looked forward to for other
All the more so if we are talking about a completely new beginning..
So imagine the evening before the first day of school....scary right?

You're there in your bed mind reviewing everything you put in your backpack, close your eyes, and it's on: pencils, notebooks, pens, journal, raincoat, and rain shoesthanks mom for being the best weatherman in the world, predicting rain at the first twinge of her knee scar). But something is missing... WHERE IS THE LUNCH BOX?!


The most anticipated part of the school morning is definitely the lunchtime - just for the sake of freedom! Some people make it half an hour, a quarter of an hour or, as in my old school, only and precious 10 minutes.

Sometimes when they remembered they would even ring the bell that signaled the beginning and end of the break, like in military barracks in short ... but those few minutes were the best thing about the day. You would chat with your classmate, exchange gossip and baseball cards, or send the latest songs with your cell phone.

Suddenly, however, a smell creeps in between the school desks, suddenly opening your stomach--the mortadella sandwich! But you are not intimidated and pull your giant piece of FOCACCIA.

I would say it is definitely better than crumbled crackers.

And there begins the distribution of the different bites to the classmates, as if they had never eaten a flatbread in their lives. It doesn't matter though because that moment of sharing makes you as happy as ever, after all you spend half your day with those classmates and it's kind of like they are part of the family.

So rings the bell that spells the end of the snack, and even though you only ate a triangle of flatbread you still feel full! Even if underneath you're hoping that tomorrow you'll be able to eat your lunchtime all to yourself..but..TOMORROW YOU HAVE TO BRING TARALLI! 😱


Don't forget that if you want to enjoy a fabulous snack for the start of school, you can order whatever you like from our shop!

Article edited by: Giorgia Loconsole

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