La focaccia barese

*you're boring me* - *But eat you must be eaten!*

There are few things that cannot be touched by a native of Bari, among them is definitely his majesty the focaccia, or better said LA F’CAZZ (in Bari dialect)!

So beloved by all that it has become known far and wide, with its different flavor variations it gives a twist to anyone's day. Because if you think about it, a nice piece of smelly focaccia, fresh out of the bakery, with that aroma of tomato...😋

It certainly brings back your good mood!

However, many are divided on its origin; basically the earliest recipes can be attributed to the ancient Phoenicians, who gave the basis for the recipe by using different flours. Moving forward in time, the Romans used it as an offering to the gods; and further into the Renaissance it was considered a food fit for the tables of the nobility as well. In short, our focaccia has come a long way!

A guide for new focaccia eaters

Reading the headline of you are surely wondering

Eh yes, because you need to know that there is a method of both buying focaccia and a precise time frame for eating it and also an ideal place.

Let's start with the fundamentals, that is,buying, you should know that focaccia is sold by stézzi (pieces or slices) and not by weight. So if you are out and about in the city and happen to walk into a bakery, you will never hear a barese shouting "Dottò p piacer m fasc 200 gr d F’cazz(Sir please can you give me 200g of focaccia.), Sir please can you give me 200 grams of flatbread. you then only need to ask how many pieces you want depending on the hunger of the moment, comfortable isn't it?

Let us now turn to the timing of eating a piece of focaccia.
Note, I'm not saying we have to break a guinness word record for the most burnt palate, but certainly the flatbread should not be allowed to get cold. As soon as it is bought, it should be bitten within the first few minutes so that you can taste its full flavor to the nth degree.

Finally, let us turn to the place of perfect eating. Here we enter a very peculiar territory, which is that if we talk about a PERFECT place, that is definitely the waterfront on a bench on a late August afternoon, with a Beer in one hand and a stezz of focaccia in the other.

While the most classic place to eat a nice piece of focaccia is immediately on the sidewalk outside the bakery with the focaccia still warm in your hand!
And with that all the previous points cross over to create a fabulous experience.

If you want to bring a little bit of Puglia to your home, remember that you can check out our shop that offers authentic Bari focaccia, which you can quickly heat up in the oven in 10 minutes.

Because baresità reaches us even if we are physically far from home, but with our hearts we will always be in Bari

Article edited by: Giorgia Loconsole

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